Thursday, May 16, 2013


This morning I felt defeated. Overwhelmed. Ready to give up believing that God will be faithful to take care of what concerns me. (Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will accomplish what concerns you.”) I thought of all the prayers, all the Bible study, all the journal entries –all my hopes and dreams for my family. These things “concern” me—they concern me deeply. Sometimes just bringing each of their needs to the Lord in prayer magnifies the vastness of the needs and the intense evil of the circumstances and culture that work against us.

Matthew 17:20 “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.’”

Learning that I can pour my heart out before God like the psalmists did transformed my life. It has been my lifeblood – my sanity-preserver. What my feet run to do when I get out of bed in the morning. (after I grab my coffee!)  In Psalm 62:8, God tells us “Pour out your heart before Him.” But I am beginning to see that that I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing the mountains to God. He already knows what they are. Rather, turn my attention on the mountain mover -- His glory, His power and His faithfulness. I must intentionally shift my focus from the size of the mountain to the sufficiency of the mountain-mover.

I remembered the story of the twelve spies Moses sent to check out the Promised Land. Ten came back trembling at the size of the cities, armies and giants. Two came back saying “the God who is faithful promised He would give us the land, so let’s go in His strength.” The two didn’t deny the size of the obstacles, but turned their focus on the sufficiency of the One who promised. They remembered the character and promises of the God who had already proven Himself by delivering them from Egypt.
Like the two spies, I will remember the Lord! I will remember His Word, His Name, His character and His ways!  I won’t deny the mountains but rather set my focus on the mountain- mover. 

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